1. Defiant – 表示公然違抗或不順從的態度。例如:”He spoke to his boss in a defiant manner, which led to immediate termination of his employment.” (他以一種挑釁的方式跟他的老闆說話,導致了立即被解僱。)
2. Rebel – 這個詞既可以作爲名詞也可以作爲動詞使用,指的是積極參與反抗活動的人或者採取行動反對某種權力結構的行爲。例如:”The students rebelled against the strict dress code enforced by their school administration.” (學生們反抗學校行政部門強制執行嚴格的着裝規定。)
3. Resist – 意味着抵制或抗拒外界壓力。例如:”Many people resisted the government’s attempt to introduce new taxes without proper consultation with citizens.” (許多人抵抗政府在沒有充分諮詢公民的情況下引入新稅的努力。)
4. Refuse – 直接表示拒絕做某事。例如:”She refused her parents’ request that she attend law school despite having no interest in it herself.” (儘管她自己對法律沒有興趣,但她拒絕了父母讓她去讀法學院的請求。)
5. Challenge – 表示質疑或要求證明某個觀點或決定是正確的。例如:”I challenge your assumption that everyone prefers online learning over traditional classroom instruction.” (我挑戰你的假設,即每個人都更喜歡在線學習而不是傳統的課堂教學。)
6. Dissent – 指不同意大多數人的意見或立場。例如:”There was significant dissent within the committee regarding how best to allocate funding for community projects.” (委員會內部對於如何最好地分配社區項目資金存在重大分歧。)
7. Insurgence – 形容集體性的反叛運動。例如:”The insurgence in the region has caused instability and violence among different factions vying for power.” (該地區的起義引起了不穩定和暴力,各派系都在爭奪權力。)
8. Outlaw – 不僅是一個名詞也是一個動詞,意指非法化或禁止某些行爲。例如:”They tried to outlaw smoking in public places but faced strong opposition from tobacco lobbyists.” (他們試圖將公共場所吸菸定爲非法,但遭到了菸草遊說者的強烈反對。)