1. Arraignment: 被告被傳訊以確定其是否認罪。例如:The defendant was arraigned on charges of fraud. (被告因欺詐罪而被傳訊)
2. Bailiff: 在法院執行公務的人員,負責維持秩序和安全等事務。例如:The bailiff escorted the witness to the stand. (法警護送證人到證人席)
3. Bench: 法官所坐的地方,也稱爲“審判臺”或“法官席”。例如:The judge stood up from the bench and announced the verdict. (法官從審判臺上站起來宣佈判決)
4. Subpoena: 法院發出的命令,要求某人出庭作證或提供證據。例如:The plaintiff’s key witness failed to appear despite being subpoenaed. (儘管原告方的重要證人收到了出庭通知,但他並沒有露面)
5. Habeas Corpus: 拉丁語短語,意指“必須有人身”,指的是確保被逮捕者有權提出自己的拘留理由的權利。例如:The defense argued that their client should be released based on habeas corpus grounds. (辯方主張基於人身保護令狀的理由應釋放他們的客戶)
法律概念(Legal Concepts)
6. Acquittal: 無罪裁決。例如:The jury found the suspect not guilty, resulting in an acquittal. (陪審團認定嫌疑人無罪,導致被判無罪釋放)
7. Affidavit: 宣誓過的書面陳述或聲明。例如:The affidavits provided crucial evidence for the case. (誓詞提供了本案的關鍵證據)
8. Alibi: 不在場證明。例如:The defendant claimed he had an alibi during the time of the crime. (被告人聲稱他在犯罪發生時有不在場證明)
9. Antitrust Law: 反壟斷法,用於防止企業合併或行爲可能限制競爭。例如:The government filed antitrust lawsuits against several tech giants. (政府對幾家科技巨頭提起了反壟斷訴訟)
10. Bill of Rights: 美國憲法的前十條修正案,保障公民的基本權利。例如:The Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of speech and religion among other rights. (《權利法案》保證了言論自由、宗教自由以及其他權利)
法律角色(Legal Roles)
11. Attorney General: 首席檢察官,通常是指聯邦政府的最高執法官員。例如:The Attorney General is responsible for enforcing federal laws and representing the United States in legal matters. (司法部長負責執行聯邦法律並在法律事務中代表美國)
12. Barrister: 英國法律體系中的資深律師,可以參與高等法院的案件辯論。例如:A barrister was appointed to represent the accused at his trial. (一名大律師被任命爲被告的辯護人蔘加庭審)
13. Juror: 陪審員,參與審判過程並對案件做出決定的人。例如:Twelve jurors were selected to hear the high-profile murder case. (十二名陪審員被選中來審理這起備受矚目的謀殺案)
14. Plaintiff: 民事案件的起訴方,即控告他人的一方。例如:The plaintiff alleged that the company had breached its contractual obligations. (原告指控該公司違反了合同義務)
15. Defendant: 刑事或民事案件中被控有罪的一方。例如:The defendant denied all allegations made by the prosecution. (被告否認了檢方提出的所有指控)
法庭用語(Courtroom Language)
16. Charge: 對犯罪行爲的正式指控。例如:The police have charged him with assault. (警方已對他提出了襲擊指控)
17. Cross-Examine: 交叉詢問,在法庭上由對方律師向證人提問。例如:During cross-examination, the lawyer managed to discredit the witness’s testimony. (在交叉詢問過程中,律師成功地質疑了證人的證詞的可信度)
18. Direct Examination: 直接詢問,在法庭上由己方律師向證人提問。例如:On direct examination, the attorney sought to establish the credibility of her own witness. (在直接詢問中,律師試圖建立她自己證人可信度)
19. Objection: 在法庭上對對方律師的言行表示反對。例如:Counsel for the defense raised an objection to the relevance of a certain line of questioning. (辯方的律師就某一問題的相關性提出了異議)
20. Precedent: 先例,即過去的案例對類似未來案件的指導作用。例如:The court cited a previous precedent when making its decision. (法院引用了之前的判例來作出決策)
21. Client Privilege: 律師與其客戶的談話保密的特權。例如:The client privilege protects communications between lawyers and clients. (客戶特權保護律師與客戶之間的溝通)
22. Executive Privilege: 行政部門對其內部討論享有保密權的原則。例如:The president invoked executive privilege to prevent certain documents from being disclosed. (總統援引行政特權阻止某些文件的公開)
23. Legislative Privilege: 立法機構成員在其議會職責範圍內發表的言論享有免受法律追究的特權。例如:Members of parliament enjoy legislative privilege over their speeches in the chamber. (國會議員在他們議事廳內的演講享受立法豁免權)
24. Solicitor: 英國和美國法律體系中的一個職業類別,主要從事提供法律諮詢和建議的工作。例如:A solicitor can help draft contracts or provide advice on legal matters. (一位律師可以幫助起草合同或者就法律事宜提供建議)
其他關鍵法律術語(Miscellaneous Key Legal Terms)
25. Corroborate: 證實,驗證。例如:Evidence corroborated the eyewitness account. (證據證實了目擊者的描述)
26. Duress: 脅迫,非法壓力。例如:The defendant claimed he committed the act under duress. (被告說他是在受到威脅的情況下才犯下了罪行)
27. Entrapment: 誘捕,陷害。例如:The defense argued that entrapment led to the arrest of their client. (辯方認爲他們的當事人是被設局陷害而遭到逮捕)
28. Malice Aforethought: 事前惡意,預謀。例如:Proving malice aforethought is essential for securing a conviction for first-degree murder. (要使一級謀殺罪名成立,事先惡意是一個重要的因素)
29. Res Ipsa Loquitur: 拉丁文短語,意思是“事情本身就在說話”,用來形容一種明顯的過失無需進一步解釋即可判斷的情況。例如:In this instance, res ipsa loquitur applies; there’s no need for further explanation as to how the accident occurred. (在這種情況下適用“事情本身就在說話”的原則,不需要進一步的解釋事故是如何發生的)
七、注意事項(Common Pitfalls & Tips)
1. 正確理解每個詞彙的具體含義及其在不同上下文中的用法。
2. 根據具體的法律環境和情境選擇合適的詞彙進行表述。
3. 在涉及敏感的法律文件或口頭交流中,務必確保使用準確且恰當的專業語言。
4. 對於不太熟悉的詞彙,可以通過查閱權威的法律字典或請教專業人士以確保準確性。