高中英語作文_Earthquake 地震_地震英語詞彙




1. 基本概念

  • Earthquake (n.) – 地震
  • Seismic activity (n.) – 地震活動性
  • Tremor (n.) – 震顫
  • Epicenter (n.) – 震中
  • Aftershock (n.) – 餘震
  • Disaster relief (n.) – 救災工作

2. 嚴重程度形容詞

  • Mild/Light (adj.) – 輕微的地震
  • Moderate (adj.) – 中度地震
  • Strong/Severe (adj.) – 強烈地震
  • Violent (adj.) – 劇烈地震
  • Catastrophic (adj.) – 災難性的地震

3. 影響範圍副詞

  • Locally (adv.) – 在當地範圍內
  • Nationwide (adv.) – 全國範圍內
  • Globally (adv.) – 全球範圍內
  • Widespread (adj.) – 大面積的
  • Isolated (adj.) – 小範圍的

4. 救援行動動詞短語

  • Evacuate the area (v.) – 從災區撤離
  • Provide emergency shelter (v.) – 爲受災者提供緊急避難所
  • Send rescue teams (v.) – 派遣救援隊
  • Distribute aid supplies (v.) – 分發救援物資



1. Introduction(引入段)

  • Briefly introduce the topic of earthquake and its significance in our world.(簡要介紹地震及其在我們世界中的重要性。)
  • State your purpose for writing, such as expressing sympathy or sharing knowledge about disaster prevention.(闡述你的寫作目的,例如表達同情或分享關於災難預防的知識。)

2. Body Paragraphs(主體段落)

  • Describe the causes of earthquakes, including tectonic plate movements and other factors.(描述地震的原因,包括板塊運動和其他因素。)
  • Discuss the impacts of earthquakes on human lives, infrastructure, and the environment.(討論地震對人類生活、基礎設施和環境的影響。)
  • Share stories or experiences from people who have survived major earthquakes to illustrate their strength and resilience.(分享從重大地震倖存者的故事或經歷,用以說明他們的堅強和韌性。)
  • Propose measures that can be taken by governments, organizations, and individuals to prepare for and respond to earthquakes effectively.(提出政府和組織以及個人可以採取的有效準備和響應地震的措施。)

3. Conclusion(結論段)

  • Summarize the main points discussed in the essay.(總結文中主要觀點。)
  • Express hope for a better future with improved preparedness and international cooperation in dealing with natural disasters like earthquakes.(表達對未來更好的希望,隨着提高的準備工作和國際合作來處理像地震這樣的自然災害。)


  • Ensure correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling throughout the essay.(確保整個論文中正確的語法、標點和拼寫使用。)
  • Use appropriate vocabulary and idioms related to the theme of earthquake where possible.(儘可能地使用與地震主題相關的恰當詞彙和習語。)
  • Maintain a clear and logical flow between paragraphs.(保持各段之間清晰且邏輯連貫的關係。)
  • Avoid plagiarism by properly citing any sources used in research.(通過正確引用任何使用的來源資料避免剽竊行爲。)


Q: How should I start my essay?

A: Begin with an attention-grabbing opening sentence or a relevant quote. This could be followed by introducing what an earthquake is and why it’s important to discuss this topic. Your thesis statement should then outline the focus of your essay.

Q: What are some strategies to write an effective body paragraph?

A: Each body paragraph should cover one main idea and include supporting details, examples, and explanations. Make sure each point you make contributes directly to your overall argument or discussion.

Q: How do I conclude my essay?

A: Your conclusion should summarize your key points without repeating them exactly. It’s also a good place to express optimism for the future and emphasize the importance of learning from past events.

Q: Are there any resources available for students to practice writing about earthquakes?

A: Yes! Many online platforms offer sample essays, prompts, and exercises specifically designed for practicing English writing skills around various topics, including natural disasters like earthquakes. These can serve as valuable tools for both teachers and students looking to improve their abilities.
