1. 必備詞彙
a. 連接詞(Linking Words)
- Furthermore,
- Moreover,
- In addition to this,
- However,
- Nevertheless,
- On the other hand,
- Meanwhile,
- Therefore,
- As a result,
b. 表建議或請求的詞彙
- Suggestion: It is advisable that…
- Recommendation: I recommend (that) you should…
- Request: Would it be possible for you to…?
- Invitation: We would like to invite you to join us in…
c. 表結論的詞彙
- Conclusion: To conclude/In conclusion,
- Summary: To summarize/Summing up,
- Findings: Based on these findings, we can say that…
d. 表強調的詞彙
- Emphasis: It is essential/important to emphasize that…
- Importance: The importance of this cannot be overstated.
- Significance: This holds great significance as regards…
2. 套用句型
a. 提出觀點
- There are several reasons why…
- One might argue that…
- It could be contended that…
b. 解釋原因
- Because of its numerous advantages,…
- Since it offers various benefits,…
c. 舉例說明
- For instance,
- Take the case of…
- Here’s an example of how…
d. 表達意見
- From my perspective,
- Personally speaking,
- In my opinion,
e. 總結全文
- All things considered,
- Taken together,
- Overall,
3. 常見問題及解決辦法
a. 詞彙貧乏
- 鼓勵學生多閱讀各種類型的英文材料以擴大詞彙量。
- 在課堂上進行詞彙遊戲和活動,讓學生在輕鬆的環境下學習新單詞。
- 要求學生每週記錄一定數量的新詞彙及其含義,並在課堂討論時使用這些新詞彙。
b. 語法錯誤
- 通過日常練習和作業糾正學生的語法錯誤。
- 定期複習基礎語法規則,確保學生理解並能正確應用。
- 提供語法改錯練習,讓學生在實踐中提高語法準確性。
c. 句子結構單一
- 教授不同類型的複雜句、並列句和從屬句,豐富學生的句子結構。
- 鼓勵學生嘗試使用不同的連接詞和短語來鏈接句子,增強文章連貫性。
d. 缺乏組織能力
- 教導學生使用提綱來規劃他們的作文,使其具有清晰的思路和結構。
- 指導學生如何有效利用過渡詞和短語來引導讀者沿着文章的邏輯路徑前進。
- 要求學生互評彼此的文章,找出組織和邏輯上的不足之處。